Episode 10: Fantasy, Retellings, and Female Leads are Having a Moment ft. @bookishbaddy


Have you ever wondered about fantasy? What makes it fantasy? Did you know there are different categories of fantasy? What is the history of the genre? Well, this week Jess (@bookishbaddy) and I dive in to the history and various aspects of fantasy that we both love and can do without. We talk about how we got started loving fantasy books, what our favorite tropes are, what we dislike in a fantasy novel, and more! 

Trigger Warning: We talk about Harry Potter a bit in this one, especially at the beginning! If you find Harry Potter and JKR triggering in ANY way, please skip this episode. Your wellbeing is more important to me than you listening to this week's episode. 


Episode 11: Caffeinating Bookstagram ft. Fable Grounds Coffee


Episode 09: The Black Box of Publishing ft. 1001 Dark Nights