Episode 28: What Comes First: Publishers or Bookstores ft. @TheNewAdultBookClub

Have you heard about the New Adult Category? Do you think it deserves to be its own bookshelf in bookstores? Danielle (@TheNewAdultBookClub) and I sat down to discuss everything about it. From Jezebel saying that the New Adult Category is just a marketing gimmick, to who has to embrace the genre first - the publishers or the booksellers, to why we think New Adult really resonates with millennials. Authors like Jennifer L Armentrout and Danielle Jensen are really pushing for their books to be classified as New Adult, but is that possible? What makes them fall into a category like that rather than Adult or Young Adult?


Episode 29: The Art of Being a Critique Partner ft. Jordan Gray


Episode 27: Manifesting Book Covers ft. Emily Wittig